Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt

Yerusha means Heritage in Hebrew, both in materialistic and in spiritual sense. Preserving and passing over the spiritual heritage to the next generation is one of the basic religious obligations in Judaism. It might not be just an accident that one can find all sorts of websites connected to the preservation of Jewish heritage under the name of “yerusha”.

The board of editors of this online journal, consisting of mainly young research workers intends to join this invisible movement by maintaining the local traditions while opening a wide window to the cultures of other Jewish communities in the world, by publishing less known facts and presenting new results in this research field for readers interested in the subject.

ISSN 2064-8197