Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt
Additional Remarks to the History of the Shofar
Prof. Dr. habil. Oláh János
In his essay the author offers some interesting supplementary material to the well-known anthropological history of an ancient Jewish musical instrument, of the Shofar. He analyses the function of the shofar in traditional and modern Jewish liturgy, with special focus on its role during Rosh Hashana; the symbolic meanings of its different sounds; its occurrence in the Holy Scripts. The author also discusses the different opinions, explanations regarding the Shofar provided by the great Jewish rabbis, such as Saadya Gaon and the RAMBAM, and he examines the relevant parts of the Zohar, as well.

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