Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt
The regions along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, situated in three continents, have been a home to different Jewish communities since early antiquity: we have records of prospering Jewish settlements in the Levant, North Africa, Italy and Asia Minor. At the end of the medieval period, after the exile from the Iberian Peninsula, the Jews settled down in the entire Mediterranean region, thus adding a new shade to the colors of Jewish cultural life from Morocco through Italy and the Greek islands to Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. In this column we explore the historical heritage of this Jewish world - so rich in traditions.

Between Integration and Segregation: The Jewish Community of Venice in the 16th – 17th Centuries: IV Oriental and Occidental Sephards; the Converso Phenomenon and the Inquisition
Five hundred years ago, in March 1516 the authorities of Venice gave an order to establish a segregated section in the town for the Jews to settle there, thus – unintentionally – creating a long lasting paradigm for segregation in Christian societies, i.e. the concept of the ‘ghetto’. However, it is also a widely held opinion that during the Italian Renaissance Jews were largely integrated into the majority even during the time of the ghetto. The editors’ intention with this jubilee series of essays on the Jews of Venice in a period full of light and shadows, between the years of 1500 and 1650, is to provide a picture of the life in the ghetto, with its main characteristics, to explore the nature of the boundaries between Jews and Christians, to shed light on the dynamics of segregating and integrating forces in the society at that time.

Author: Budai Miklós, MA

Between Intergration and Segregation: The Jewish Community of Venice in the 16th – 17th Centuries: III. State Interests, Xenophobia and Segregational Practice in Venice
Five hundred years ago, in March 1516 the authorities of Venice gave an order to establish a segregated section in the town for the Jews to settle there, thus – unintentionally – creating a long lasting paradigm for segregation in Christian societies, i.e. the concept of the ‘ghetto’. However, it is also a widely held opinion that during the Italian Renaissance Jews were largely integrated into the majority even during the time of the ghetto. The editors’ intention with this jubilee series of essays on the Jews of Venice in a period full of light and shadows, between the years of 1500 and 1650, is to provide a picture of the life in the ghetto, with its main characteristics, to explore the nature of the boundaries between Jews and Christians, to shed light on the dynamics of segregating and integrating forces in the society at that time.

Author: Budai Miklós, MA

Between Intergration and Segregation: The Jewish Community of Venice in the 16th – 17th Centuries: II. The Establishment of the Ghetto and Its Regulations
Five hundred years ago, in March 1516 the authorities of Venice gave an order to establish a segregated section in the town for the Jews to settle there, thus – unintentionally – creating a long lasting paradigm for segregation in Christian societies, i.e. the concept of the ‘ghetto’. However, it is also a widely held opinion that during the Italian Renaissance Jews were largely integrated into the majority even during the time of the ghetto. The editors’ intention with this jubilee series of essays on the Jews of Venice in a period full of light and shadows, between the years of 1500 and 1650, is to provide a picture of the life in the ghetto, with its main characteristics, to explore the nature of the boundaries between Jews and Christians, to shed light on the dynamics of segregating and integrating forces in the society at that time.

Author: Budai Miklós, MA

Integráció és szegregáció között: Velence zsidó közössége a XVI-XVII. században I. A velencei zsidó közösség kialakulása
Five hundred years ago, in March 1516 the authorities of Venice gave an order to establish a segregated section in the town for the Jews to settle there, thus – unintentionally – creating a long lasting paradigm for segregation in Christian societies, i.e. the concept of the ‘ghetto’. However, it is also a widely held opinion that during the Italian Renaissance Jews were largely integrated into the majority even during the time of the ghetto. The editors’ intention with this jubilee series of essays on the Jews of Venice in a period full of light and shadows, between the years of 1500 and 1650, is to provide a picture of the life in the ghetto, with its main characteristics, to explore the nature of the boundaries between Jews and Christians, to shed light on the dynamics of segregating and integrating forces in the society at that time.

Author: Budai Miklós, MA

”...There are certain things that cannot happen in Italy.” The Jews of Italy and their way to emancipation and exclusion.
The history of the Jews is particular and full of contradictions in Italy ,it spans more than two thousand years. The Jewish presence on the peninsula is characterized by periods of persecutions and tolerance. The nineteenth century brought them legal equality, the emancipation opened career opportunities. Early in the twentieth century the Jewish community was absorbed into the fabric of society. Initially the fascism was not wearing racist traits. The regime made a radical change in the ideological field with the racial laws introduced in Italian East Africa at the end of 1930. In 1938, however, the government started anti-Semitic jurisdiction on a national level. The present study aims to draw a short historical overview of the position of the Italian Jews from perspective of “inclusion and exclusion”, focusing on the 19th- 20th centuries, closing with the year 1938. The article provides an answer to the researcher’s questions with the method of synthesizing analysis, using historical and literary sources, in Italian and Hungarian. The study points out that the position and rights of the Italian Jews react sensitively to the changes of the political environment.

Author: Claudia K. Farkas, PhD
